Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jasmin Darznik

Jasmin Darznik is the author of The Good Daughter, a memoir of Iran, where she was born. A former Steinbeck Fellow at SJSU, she is the recipient of the Tanenbaum Award and the Marin Art Council's New Work Fellowship in Creative Prose. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and The San Francisco Chronicle.

Co-sponsored by the Center for Steinbeck Studies, the Iranian American Studies Initiative, and the Student Association for Middle Eastern Studies.

This post is available for commenting about Jasmin Darznik's work, the reading on 23 February 2011, or other readings of hers that you may have attended. We are always looking to enrich our own perspectives, and the perspectives of those who might be reading, with the unique experiences and thoughts of our community members!

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