Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Apologies to all who have been eagerly anticipating the launch of the blog for its delayed arrival, but as my mother always used to say about speeding: better late than dead! So at least it's launched at last, rather than falling prey to busy schedules.

This venture is one of the online social ventures that we at the Center for Literary Arts are most excited about. As our official website says, “The Center for Literary Arts provides readings, lectures and seminars that allow the San José community to interact with writers of contemporary literature who have demonstrated exceptional voice and vision. Its mission is to spread the influence of and interest in literature throughout the South Bay area and to facilitate cross-cultural understanding in the region's ethnically diverse population through the appreciation of works of literature.” This is the mission and the goal of the CLA, and in these technologically-minded times, the methods used for reaching current and new constituents have changed considerably.This is why we launched a Facebook page some time ago, and this year have launched a Twitter page and this Blogger, in addition to several other ventures we are currently developing.

While you can post anonymously to this blog, it is advisable to create a Google account to post, so that you are better able to connect with others using the blog. You don’t even have to create a gmail account to do this, you just register your preferred e-mail address with them, and you can post away! Politeness and respectful discourse goes without saying, but I say it anyway to disclaim that if necessary posts will be removed if they become abusive.

These social networking ventures are just a few of the many ways that the CLA is working to bring our constituents into the life and breath of the organization more than ever, to make ourselves more accessible and interactive, and to make our events more like family reunions than seminars. If you would like to join our Facebook group you can search for Center for Literary Arts; for our Twitter page, you can search the username CLA_SanJose; or, you can visit our home site,, and click the handy Facebook and Twitter buttons located in the sidebar.

Thank you all for coming to participate in this online discussion of our authors' works and events!

Hope to be hearing much from you all very soon,

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